accident waiting to happen

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  • accident waiting to happen

    Don't think I will ride in it!

  • #2
    Originally posted by dick merrill View Post
    Don't think I will ride in it!
    Good idee! (IMHO anyhow). I like operating in ground effect, can definitely tell the difference/improvement but - guarendangtee'ya - that you can't look away for an instant/fail to "pay ten'chun" for a second! BT&DT!

    best, randy


    • #3
      Looks like they've reinvented the Ekranoplan.


      • #4
        Notice no scenes with any waves.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ralph Jones View Post
          Looks like they've reinvented the Ekranoplan.
          Pretty much. You can see the success of that concept from all of the Ekranoplan ferries that are operating around the world. {/sarcasm}

          Other than the point that it can be operated by sailors instead of pilots, I can't see what that thing will do that a DHC-2 or a C-206 on floats can't do better. I doubt if it'll be that much cheaper to buy one.
          Last edited by Stephanie Belser; 04-02-2018, 07:43.


          • #6
            Ekranoplan, indeed. I agree with previous comments about waves. I don't see any potential for maneuverability, either. There's no room for a significant bank angle. If they use the rudder along with opposite aileron to kill the bank, the thing will just go sideways, gradually accelerating on the new heading, and gradually decelerating on the old heading. One drunken fool on a jet ski is about all it would take to destroy the thing in an unavoidable collision.
            Geology rocks, but geography is where it's at.


            • #7
              Not to mention limited sight distance at that altitude.

