Where To Buy One Of These?

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  • Where To Buy One Of These?

    McDonnell 220

  • #2
    I remember seeing it for sale in T-A-P

    Click image for larger version

Name:	M-220.jpg
Views:	81
Size:	113.7 KB
ID:	3449

    I'm not sure of the utility of a 4-engined experimental.


    • #3
      What's the fuel burn rate on that thing?


      • #4
        Looks like the same problem as the Cessna 620 -- too many engines -- thus too much maintenance and too much fuel burn for the mission. At that time (before ETOPS certifications), a transoceanic plane would have needed three or more engines, but I doubt the thing had the range to do it.
        Geology rocks, but geography is where it's at.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ray Tackett View Post
          At that time (before ETOPS certifications), a transoceanic plane would have needed three or more engines, but I doubt the thing had the range to do it.
          The promo talked about going to Europe. Also about going to Asia via Honolulu or Alaska.

          I think you just got hit on the design idea behind so many engines.
          Last edited by Russell Holton; 04-22-2018, 18:00.


          • #6
            It seems it was designed to compete with the Lockheed Jetstar for US military. The Jetstar (also 4 engine) won the competition.

            220 had a range of 2000 nm, at 452 knots. Specific fuel consumption was 1.04 pounds per hour per pound of thrust. But the movie did say production aircraft would have turbo fans. A set of William FJ44 engines could cut the specific fuel consumption to around 0.460.

