New Plane for Gil

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  • #2
    Complete set of troop seats (96) including complete set of stanchions for litters
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	229
Size:	22.1 KB
ID:	25266
    Last edited by B.Butler; 01-19-2024, 15:03.


    • #3
      Can I borrow your credit card for fuel?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gil Buettner View Post
        Can I borrow your credit card for fuel?
        First ya' gotta get it to the gas pump:

        It will require heavy maintenance - A/B/C/D Checks before returning to service. Estimated cost to return to service is US$1.3 - $2.5m. Aircraft is being sold As Is, Where Is -

        ...but imagine taxiing it into the warbird line at OSH! ...or maybe a LAPES down runway 36.
        Last edited by B.Butler; 01-20-2024, 12:11.


        • #5
          Next AvSIG GIG IN the plane!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gil Buettner View Post
            Can I borrow your credit card for fuel?
            What would it burn per hour?


            • #7
              Originally posted by John O'Shaughnessy [FCM] View Post
              Next AvSIG GIG IN the plane!
              so...we're all meeting in Marana, Arizona?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post

                What would it burn per hour?
                I don't remember. I think we could carry more than 50,000 pounds of JP-4 and burn about 4,000 pounds per hour.


                • #9
                  Complete set of troop seats (96) including complete set of stanchions for litters
                  We ride combat load. We doan need no steenkin' seats!

                  (My last "domestic" flight in VN was combat load in a C-123 with added jet engines.)
                  Geology rocks, but geography is where it's at.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ray Tackett View Post

                    We ride combat load. We doan need no steenkin' seats!

                    (My last "domestic" flight in VN was combat load in a C-123 with added jet engines.)
                    Two turning, two burning. Never flew in a C-123, and I regard that as good luck.

                    We always rigged seats for US troops, but with combat loading (straps across the floor of the cargo compartment) we once had almost 150 Vietnamese refugees in an airplane designed for a maximum of 110 passengers.

                    This was a flight from DaNang to Pleiku, and right after takeoff we heard the tell-tale intercom message: "Loadmaster's going on oxygen." Someone had vomited, and the rest soon followed.

                    After we landed and they got off, we called the fire department to come and hose down the inside of the airplane. They refused. "You don't have a fire hazard."

                    The loadmaster took a can of hydraulic fluid and poked a hole in it with a screwdriver. "Sir, we have a fire hazard." The Army firefighters were not amused, but they did wash out the airplane.


                    • #11
                      All the Hercs I saw in VN had four-blade props. The one on sale must be an early one.

                      On my first ride in a Herc (wilth seats along each side ala C-47s for paratroopers), we were still parked, engines off, when the A/C entered the cabin from the flight deck. He took each man's firearm(s), dropped the clips, locked the actions to the rear, and set the safeties. After he finished with the last man, he turned to us and said, "I've been shot down from the inside -- twice."

                      One side of the "world's largest" helipad at An Khe was a not-so-long dirt runway. It was at the end of the trip mentioned above. Pilot and plane did their excellent short-field stuff, no problem. Two guys got airsick (groundsick?) between touchdown and stop.
                      Geology rocks, but geography is where it's at.


                      • #12
                        I assume the likely buyer would be a museum. What's the options for moving it since it's not airworthy? Can it be trucked?


                        • #13

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Herc 8 Blades.jpg
Views:	278
Size:	868.6 KB
ID:	25285
                          Hey Ray, I see these puppies a lot at MSP.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            J-model. completely different airplane.


                            • #15
                              C-130A had 3 blade props. C-130 had the short nose.

