New AA Duluth Flights

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  • #2
    I remember the last time they were in DLH. Right now UAL and Delta are there, United having actually increased the frequency of flights. Color me skeptical until they stay through the next recession.



    • #3
      Originally posted by A. Niemyer View Post
      I remember the last time they were in DLH. Right now UAL and Delta are there, United having actually increased the frequency of flights. Color me skeptical until they stay through the next recession.

      Adm. Andy, we stuggled alomg without you last Sat. at BPs. Talked about you, tho! <g>. Seriously, can recall now how many flights to DLH and then HIB and INL we had/did on North Central/Repulsive. Someone at BPs last Sat. said that you could almost trace the airway between MSP, Granstburg and then Dilute by seeing the Jepp revisions that'd been tossed out the 3's side window and then falling to the ground. Although someone told me that they sucked into the Janitrol heater intake above and behind behind the window.

      Another one of life's mysteries, I guess.

      best, randy

