"A NIghtmare Summer for American Airlines"

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  • "A NIghtmare Summer for American Airlines"

    From the WSJ. It appears a Federal judge ordered the lawyers for American Airlines and the mechanics union to meet to resolve the purported work slow down. The airline lawyers didn't show, their flight was canceled.

    Marco Rubio had his flight canceled coming back to DCA from MIA and his backup also.
    I Earned my Spurs in Vietnam
    48th AHC 1971-72

  • #2
    I met an AA FA at dinner one evening while traveling not too long ago.

    I told her, in being open, I was not a big fan of AA and tried to not fly them. She told me she does not fly AA, except when working.


    • #3
      They really screwed the pooch on our recent trip to Mexico. My Niece wrote them a letter detailing the canceled flights, missed connections and cost she had to bear as a result. They threw out a low offer to see if it appeased her, but didn't even off set her out of pocket costs, much less pre-paid night at the resort in Mexico, cutting the vacation short and anything in consideration of dragging three kids back and forth while seven months pregnant. (she had to go back and forth to D/FW four times before getting out and they said they had her on another flight from Madison, which it turned out they couldn't put her on after she drove out with the kids and checked all their baggage.) They also told her anything related to baggage (they sent hers to the wrong place for two days) would have to be taken up with the baggage folks and customer service couldn't handle that. They wanted receipts for everything; thus, turning her into their secretary. Why not just a daily allowance if one doesn't want to dig all that up? She's trying to figure out what the next step is.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dave Siciliano View Post
        She's trying to figure out what the next step is.
        Twitter. FB. Instagram. It makes AA do what it should, and sometimes even what it shouldn't need to.

        See https://www.forbes.com/sites/tedreed.../#69a4eba56174


        • #5
          Thanks Scott! I’ll let her know.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dave Siciliano View Post
            She's trying to figure out what the next step is.
            Does the out of pocket exceed small claims court? It might be consultation time.


            • #7
              Last I looked, small claims might cover it. Right now, she's gone back thanked them for their prompt response, but stated it wasn't acceptable. She raised a couple new points and asked them to reconsider. We'll see if they get a bit more reasonable. Of course, a small claim may be appealed to a civil court.
              Last edited by Dave Siciliano; 07-18-2019, 14:09.

