TSA sickout pressure rising

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  • TSA sickout pressure rising

    CNN reports KMIA will be closing one of six terminals on Sat/Sun/Mon afternoons in response to a TSA sickout rate of about twice normal.

    Might be interesting to see what happens this afternoon when CES ends and the attendees hit KLAS.
    Last edited by Ralph Jones; 01-11-2019, 08:32.

  • #2
    Those folks have it pretty tough. Not a high paying position to begin with. High stress levels and now, not getting paid. Hate to see them caught up on this political battle (and other Federal employees in the middle).


    • #3
      Their pay levels are such that a number of them might find other work.

      Elsewhere, I've read that 18±% of controllers are retirement-eligible. No telling how many of them will pull the pin after they get paid.


      • #4
        Retirement eligible does not mean you and survive on the retirement.

        I have been "retirement eligible" for a number of years. IF I wanted to go find another job, or eat dog food.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post
          Retirement eligible does not mean you and survive on the retirement.

          I have been "retirement eligible" for a number of years. IF I wanted to go find another job, or eat dog food.
          Their retirement is quite "survivable." I've been doing ok on it since 1994, and the contemporary controller scale is about double what mine was.

          Bill, vacationing in Puerto Vallarta


          • #6
            As of first eligibility?

            Yes, given time, it is survivable.

            OK, just checked, they are covered under FERS at the 1.7% rate. So 20 years, you retire at 34% of the high 3 salary. Even if in the top 10% of ATC salary, that is around $58,000.

            Not exactly survivable. Since they can retire at 50 with 20 years, there is no Social Security for a while.

            20 years of TSP would get about $18,000.

            So not fully retired. Retire, then get another job.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post
              Retire, then get another job.
              Or, find a job and then retire,

