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  • Salerno

    We don’t have a Naval history section, but I’d like to leave a quote from the German commander’s chief defending. As most know, this landing was highly contested and Mark Clark for a time worried he might have to redeploy troops to hold the beach head.
    The Germans had Mark IV tiger tanks and deployed radio guided bombs which damaged or sank several Allied ships.
    Begin quote: For the Naval historian recording these events, it is a pleasure to read a tribute from General Westphalia, Kesselring’s chief of staff. After outlining the difficulties the Germans had encountered, he wrote: “But the greatest distress suffered by the troops was caused by the fire of ship’s guns of heavy caliber, from which they could find no protection in the rocky soil.”

  • #2
    Naval gunfire had broken up tank attacks, silenced enemy artillery and disrupted enemy movements.


    • #3
      The book I just finished, The Second World Wars, implied that Mark Clark was not one of our best generals. Many generals were replaced by better ones in the early stages of the war. Learn from experience.
      regards, Rod


      • #4
        Clark lead several Texas units up through Italy. The Italy campaign was controversial from the beginning. Ike didn’t really want to go there; Churchill really pushed it to open another front and relieve pressure on Russia. I believe this book said 185 German divisions faced Russia at the time.
        At one time, Texas passed a resolution to not let General Clark into the state without an armed guard.


        • #5
          See the battle of Rapido River where the 36th infantry was ordered to attack in this article.

