New Software

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  • New Software

    Is it possible to compress the vertical formatting somewhat? Too much wasted space, IMO. Even the banner could be reduced in height a bit. As is, all of the content is "below the fold" on each page when viewed on a laptop screen (1920x1080). The browser is Chrome on Win10.

  • #2
    Just noticed that the AVSIG banner is only present in the "AVSIG Cool Blue" style. The "AVSIG" style has only the word "Logo" and the "Orangesperiment" and "Default" show the vBulliten logo.


    • #3
      Is there a way for the "WELCOME TO SIG III" message to be displayed only for guests or only on the main screen? It's currently taking up a lot of space of every page.

      OK ... the new place is open for Level II Beta Testing . If you don't receive an email verification link within 10 minutes of registering, please send a note to and we'll get you on!


      • #4
        The AOPA forum is also on vBulliten (ver 3.8.7 according to the META tag) and has much tighter vertical formatting.


        • #5
          To answer all of those: Still working on the spacing -- I like the AOPA layout, and the main reason we currently have the photo collage header is vB's insistence on wasting that much space in white, graphic or not. All of that would change with a layout change. And yes, the notice can be tailored to usergroups and by login history -- it won't be a long-term thing and I only anticipate using it down the road when a new royal or Kardashian is born.


          • #6
            The info below the poster's name in the list of Topics is unreadable with any style besides Orange on my Android tablet. It's better on my desktop.

