Security Camera Question

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  • Security Camera Question

    I have a reqirement for a wireless security camera on my garage. I would prefer one that triggers on sensed motion and can "see" by infrared. That's the easy part. I found several on a quick web search.

    The challenge is that I'm OK with the camera being connected to my LAN via Wifi, but I want to firewall it off the internet. I don't want Ring, Nest, Google, et al to have a video link to my home.

    Onc camrea which looked good claims to send push alerts to a device app when motion is detected. That would work for me. However, I do not want that app to need internet access to some Nest of spies. Does anyone know if there is a camera-based security setup which will work when restricted to the owner's LAN?
    Geology rocks, but geography is where it's at.

  • #2
    Most of the consumer stuff I see today is Internet integrated. Depending on how much of a "project" you want to make out of it, I know some people who use Motion EyeOS on a Raspberry Pi to monitor various USB and IP web cams.


    • #3

      I use Ring and "gmail" so I guess I'm not much help. Please accept my apologies.

      I Earned my Spurs in Vietnam
      48th AHC 1971-72


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ray Tackett View Post
        I have a reqirement..........................will work when restricted to the owner's LAN?
        Whoooo-weeeee, (as John O'S already knows) your message was entirely Greek to me. "Sorry 'bout that".

        best, randy


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ray Tackett View Post
          Onc camrea which looked good claims to send push alerts to a device app when motion is detected. That would work for me. However, I do not want that app to need internet access to some Nest of spies. Does anyone know if there is a camera-based security setup which will work when restricted to the owner's LAN?
          How is it going to send an email if it doesn't have access to the Internet? Or, do you just mean it doesn't have a connect to the manufacturer's service?

          Do try to find one that has a dedicated motion detector. The ones that use video may not be very good. Way back in 2006, the one we used would trigger every time a cloud passed over.


          • #6
            Have to share this from my Dad. This occurred on Halloween evening:

            "Last night during the heavy rain an wind I was watching television when I heard voices. I knew no Halloween trick or treater's were out and I could not tell where the talking was originating because of the rain and wind. It kept up for a while so I got up to check around and suddenly heard my cell phone which was charging by the TV informing me that there was someone out front. It was the wind moving the trees and not ghosts or goblins."

