On my trip to SC yesterday. Got to use all systems.
Deviating at FL 250
This one worked out well, as it had passed Dallas and when I departed, tops were 4,000. So I was able to climb in the clear before tops got higher to avoid potential icing. Over most of it when tops were higher and almost clear where I landed. The de-ice on, but only encountered trace. Wouldn’t have taken on much more, but this one worked out great!
Ah yes, many thousand hours in aircraft that, for sure, could not top a lot of weather (P2V's, P-3-s, yes even heavy 727's and during 1st 5 hours, older heavy B-747's). OK, that B-757 could almost always get up to FL390, and I think most new jets with their super engines can also jump to at least FL370, even if heavy. Thanks for the post and pictures. I should be at BP's this morning -solving various aviation issues.
Regards, Dux