I completed an IPC on Sunday.
I ended up doing it in 3 parts. I did 1.8 in an FTD with a glass cockpit setup. I shot several approaches with missed approaches and holds.
This was followed by a night flight in a CNX450 equipped 172S to do the landings from straight in and circling approaches. One extra TO/Landing, and I also got my night currency.
We were supposed to do some unusual attitudes in a 172, but the winds were a bit strong and gusty. So we did them in the FTD in a whopping 0.1
A lot more involved than the old ICC days, but I feel confident to fly some IFR, maybe in minimums, but at least to get back into it.
So, next step is a check out in a tailwheel to get that currency back. And some multi time.
I ended up doing it in 3 parts. I did 1.8 in an FTD with a glass cockpit setup. I shot several approaches with missed approaches and holds.
This was followed by a night flight in a CNX450 equipped 172S to do the landings from straight in and circling approaches. One extra TO/Landing, and I also got my night currency.
We were supposed to do some unusual attitudes in a 172, but the winds were a bit strong and gusty. So we did them in the FTD in a whopping 0.1
A lot more involved than the old ICC days, but I feel confident to fly some IFR, maybe in minimums, but at least to get back into it.
So, next step is a check out in a tailwheel to get that currency back. And some multi time.