4 Hour Tarmac Rule Question

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cole Loftus View Post
    Haven't seen Renfrew, not sure if I should.
    Was a book, not a film.

    best, randy


    • #17
      Originally posted by Richard Duxbury View Post
      I think many airlines would rather just cancel the flight than take the risk of a big fine. Often they use the excuse of weather -and perhaps do not have to worry about food and overnight expenses for the passengers? (Well, often it is weather related and perhaps not at that specific airport)..

      Regards, Dux -perhaps BP's for a brief visit this Saturday but have to leave at 11:50.
      Somebody documented this. And yes, airlines are cancelling instead of possibly being fined. And since they are mostly weather related, as you said, they are not on the hook for food or lodging.

      Unintended consequences


      • #18
        I retired about a year and half ago... so I'm not totally current. But the procedure was to restart the 4 hour clock by offering the opportunity to get off the airplane. That was the main fallback, instead of canceling. It is no fun sitting and waiting, but sometime [OprahFrozenChickenShooting][OprahFrozenChickenShooting][OprahFrozenChickenShooting][OprahFrozenChickenShooting] happens. There are so many airplanes and so few airports. It is amazing that the whole thing works as smoothly as it does anyway.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Randy Sohn View Post

          Was a book, not a film.

          best, randy
          I saw a movie listed, too. Renfrew of the Royal Mounted (1937): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0029475/


          • #20
            Originally posted by Cole Loftus View Post

            I saw a movie listed, too. Renfrew of the Royal Mounted (1937): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0029475/
            Ah-so, the one that I recall was one of those "Big-Little" pocket books. Early 40s (or thereabouts).

            best, randy


            • #21
              Originally posted by Scott Perdue (50F) View Post
              I retired about a year and half ago...
              Wow Gunny! "Tiempo volando" I guess.

              best, randy

