A Blast from the Past: Barry Schiff on Computerized Town Meetings for Pilots

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  • A Blast from the Past: Barry Schiff on Computerized Town Meetings for Pilots

    Mr. Schiff was kind enough to send this old missive of his over our transom recently. In it he speaks of modems and connect fees and "talking on a computer." There may also be instructions in there for parity, bauds, and hand-cranking the forum motor starter.

  • #2
    That was fascinating. What ever happened to Orville E. Fudpucker. I lived and flew in Plano in 1995 and never met him. I was on Compuserve, but not on AVSIG.
    regards, Rod


    • #3
      That is a fantastic blast from the past!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rod Madsen View Post
        That was fascinating. What ever happened to Orville E. Fudpucker. I lived and flew in Plano in 1995 and never met him. I was on Compuserve, but not on AVSIG.
        Last I checked, Mr. Fudpucker was still a mysterious being who enters and exits lives and offices at will. He left TSJDs, business cards, and Round Tuits on my desk while I was out of the office one day in 1993, so I guess that means I never saw him then or since


        • #5
          I didn't see it in the article but do we know when it was written?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Andy Alson View Post
            I didn't see it in the article but do we know when it was written?
            Andy -- I did some google searches of sections of the text to no avail.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Andy Alson View Post
              I didn't see it in the article but do we know when it was written?
              I'm carbon dating to the late 80s/early 90s based on the reader service card. And there were phone numbers in all the ads.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mike Overly View Post
                I'm carbon dating to the late 80s/early 90s based on the reader service card. And there were phone numbers in all the ads.
                The article references an event in '86 and talks about connecting to CIS at $12.50 an hour. I can't find back when that was, but it appears to be before 1991.


                • #9
                  My gut feel was late 1980's up to 1990.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rod Madsen View Post
                    What ever happened to Orville E. Fudpucker.
                    Chuckle, some things are prolly best left untouched, like Mike said above, mysterious! Since John Scafhausen and I sorta lost touch, also lost track of Orville.

                    best, randy


                    • #11
                      Wish I knew about Avsig sooner is all I can say. :-)



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Patty Haley View Post
                        Wish I knew about Avsig sooner is all I can say. :-)
                        Hi Patty,
                        Me too!

                        Tom Charlton

                        "The aeroplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tom Charlton View Post
                          Hi Patty,
                          Me too!

                          Tom Charlton
                          Chuckle, why? So you too can be hollered at and be abused? <g>

                          best, randy


                          • #14
                            Thanks for that old article about the AVSIG forum. I never knew about that historic meeting at ORD decades ago by AVSIGers. I guess our Duluth 2 (plus) day meetings keep up the tradition.

                            Hmm, I',m still on compuserve-long since taken over by AOL and perhaps even a later buyout. Likely some AVSIGers at BP's today as well as Randy and myself. Bad thunderstorms may cut down on the VFR attendees. Randy and I are all weather (well I don't do snow much anymore).




                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mike Overly View Post
                              Mr. Schiff was kind enough to send this old missive of his over our transom recently. In it he speaks of modems and connect fees and "talking on a computer." There may also be instructions in there for parity, bauds, and hand-cranking the forum motor starter.
                              Wow! Thanks for that! Despite being mentioned, this is the first I know of that article. Brought back lots of memories.

                              Not the least of which was Barry’s (or should I say “m”) trials and tribulations of getting onto the forum.

                              <sigh!!> Lots of REALLY fond memories. Ask Barry about garlic bagels on his NY layovers. <G>

