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  • #91
    Originally posted by Mike Overly View Post

    Randy: We'll get the New Since Last up again shortly --
    Copy-copy, thanks Mike, been reading what you're working on here but am sure lost without that deal, must be a lot of messages that peeps here on Avsig are wondering why I haven't replied to, some of us are sorta technology deprived cuz I read their stuff and it goes w-a-y over my head!

    best, randy


    • #92
      Originally posted by Mike Overly View Post

      Terry: Try hitting the "Mark Channels Read" link at the bottom of the main forum screen on an extensionless browser and let me know if your lit message flags unlight. The AVSIG theme you're using should have no effect on the message flags -- I spent a good deal of time in the guts of those during the forum setup, and they have -0- opportunity to intervene with forum function.

      There may be contrast issues between stylesheets for some users/installations. For instance, the lit new message bubbles at the forum index level show up very clearly for me no matter what AVSIG style theme I use, however I can see where some people may primarily browse inside a specific discussion section (like Hangar Flying) and depend on unread message cues via the bolded text for threads with unread messages in that environment. In the case of AVSIG VFR and IFR, the bolded Courier font does not assert itself compared to the other styles. I will set the forum stylesheet default for "AVSIG" once we put the main page back together to minimize that issue.
      Next time I get one, I will hit it. I can't remember if I tried it last time and what happened if I did.

      BTW, why don't I get a Top Gun tag?????

      The Aviation History section flag is now cleared, without me doing anything. Maybe you did.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post

        Next time I get one, I will hit it. I can't remember if I tried it last time and what happened if I did.

        BTW, why don't I get a Top Gun tag?????

        The Aviation History section flag is now cleared, without me doing anything. Maybe you did.
        You have been restored to Top Gunness. (You were a tragic victim of open enrollment automation ). As for the Aviation History flag, that's all about your browser session -- I can't clear those on this end.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Mike Overly View Post

          You have been restored to Top Gunness. (You were a tragic victim of open enrollment automation ). As for the Aviation History flag, that's all about your browser session -- I can't clear those on this end.
          Thank yo usir.

          OK, but it is set by flags from the site. And it automagically cleared itself.


          • #95
            It looks like our last complaint was on 6/10. I don't think I've had a problem since switching all sessions to "AVSIG". Maybe time to add in a few variables?


            • #96
              Well, that was interesting. I noticed that the "Aircraft" section was lit up with a new message about a B-17 engine. But when I went into "Aircraft" a number of sub-sections (but not all) were lit up - despite having old messages. I went ahead and drilled down into the "Military Past & Present" section, read the (authentic) message, bounced back up to "Aircraft" and low and behold. everything went back to gray - as it should be. I'm surprised that reading a message in "Military Past & Present| cleared up the sibling sections.


              • #97
                IT'S BBAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKKK. In Aircraft section, several subsections are lit up, even though there are no new messages.

                This is the first time accessing AVSIG on this computer for over a month.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	avsig.png
Views:	206
Size:	92.1 KB
ID:	5079


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Russell Holton View Post
                  Well, that was interesting. I noticed that the "Aircraft" section was lit up with a new message about a B-17 engine. But when I went into "Aircraft" a number of sub-sections (but not all) were lit up - despite having old messages. I went ahead and drilled down into the "Military Past & Present" section, read the (authentic) message, bounced back up to "Aircraft" and low and behold. everything went back to gray - as it should be. I'm surprised that reading a message in "Military Past & Present| cleared up the sibling sections.
                  Same here.

                  This is the screen shot with the message sections lit, and with it the screen shot immediately after I read Andy's B-17 engine message. Note that none of the "lit up" message sections show in the "new since last visit" section on the right of the screen.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post
                    This is the first time accessing AVSIG on this computer for over a month.
                    In my case it was a near-daily use machine running Edge with no extensions.


                    • Originally posted by Russell Holton View Post
                      In my case it was a near-daily use machine running Edge with no extensions.
                      Mine is multi daily uses for Avsig with Chrome.


                      • I use Chrome for accessing AVSIG from work or home, or even on my iPad.


                        • Back again in full force. A number of sections are showing "unread", (Kármán Line +, Drones, Maintenance, Instrument Flight, Medical/Human Factors, FAA Topics, Airline Travel, Flight Sims, Marketplace, and In Memoriam - I've only listed sections with invalid "unread" flags). This appeared in my Edge browser. It wasn't an old session. I just opened avsig and boom. My phone is logged out. My work machine may have a session open, but I was using it yesterday. There shouldn't be any other active sessions. So, I can't see how this is stale session data.


                          • Originally posted by Russell Holton View Post
                            Back again in full force.
                            I see this too. Good thing I rely on the "New since last Visit" thing...

                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by Russell Holton View Post
                              My work machine may have a session open, but I was using it yesterday.
                              The tab was closed, so there was no open sessions when this happened. And I'm seeing the same thing (false unread sections) on my work machine. So it's not stale data in the browser, but false information coming from the server.

                              And this is at least the second time it's happened to multiple people at once.


                              • Again. With the addition of a couple of new messages, all the "Aircraft" subsections (except for the ones with no messages at all) lit up. Once I read the two new threads, they updated. It did not update after reading the first message. So, somehow, I think the flags are cross-coupled. The subsections are reflecting the parent's status instead of their own. This is in Chrome with a new session.

