Let the Games Begin - Major Avionics and Interior Upgrade

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  • #16
    I will have a G-5 for backup on the left panel also.

    The 7" G3X is for engine data and for a pilot in the right seat. I am looking out for my safety pilots and other pilots who fly with me.

    I was going to so some fancy custom annunciators, but crazy expensive. But it looks like I can use the stock annunciator panel, but repurpose some of the ones that will not be used to handle a few extra things. So Speed Brake light will move to the annunciator panel and add warning lights for pitot heat and prop heat.


    • #17

      The long middle period where there are more and more wires is pretty much done. The wires have been bundled. Connectors are installed. Shop is working on the panel layout. All the rocker switches have been converted to toggles.

      Yokes are covered in leather by the interior shop and got installed on Friday.

      Once the panel layout is done, they will cut the panel, powder coat and etch. And then everything gets installed. A couple of weeks.

      The problem is, in 2 weeks I will be on a 2 week cruise vacation. And then home for a week and off and running for a week. If all goes well, I can test fly and pick it up that week. Then more test flying once I get back.

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      • #18
        It's progress, not to be knocked!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post
          All the rocker switches have been converted to toggles.
          Personal preference or is there something behind that?


          • #20
            Wiring is behind the switches.


            • #21
              IMO it's much easier to learn and work toggle switches without looking at them. Same way, I want my car's air and audio controls operable without looking. That rules out most modern cars for me.
              Geology rocks, but geography is where it's at.


              • #22
                I was hoping to hear from Terry to see if I could learn some insight. Personally, I could argue it either way. Rockers would be more prone to getting bumped, but toggles with long levers can snag thing (straps, handles, etc.) Fragile toggles can have the handle broken off. Perhaps the biggest knock on rockers is the temptation to mount them side-by-side making in a single cutout making it hard to operate by feel (but looks cool).

                I could see making a "language" by mixing the two. Perhaps rockers for "preference" (like cabin lighting), while toggles are for critical things. The idea is to make it easier to operate by feel and minimizing the opportunity for confusion. It wouldn't look as cool, but could be more functional.
                Last edited by Russell Holton; 04-04-2024, 14:38.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Russell Holton View Post

                  Personal preference or is there something behind that?
                  Personal preference.

                  Easier to see the position. Feel better. Not plastic.


                  • #24
                    OK, down to the wire. I approved the panel layout. They will cut a plexi test panel to see that everything i3 going to work. Time is about 2 - 3 weeks. I have a 2 week cruise starting in a week, and it should be done just before I get back.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Terry Carraway View Post

                      Personal preference.

                      Easier to see the position. Feel better. Not plastic.
                      Ok. Something I forgot to mention is it's possible to get locking toggle switches. You have to pull them out to switch positions. I'm not aware of anything like that for rocker.


                      • #26
                        Yeah, I know about those. I may consider them for the Avionics Master. Not sure which ones would benefit.


                        • #27
                          Years ago, I was flying an ILS in bad weather at night at Erie, PA. When I entered the clouds I realized that the strobe lights were going to be a huge distraction. There were two toggle switches, one for the strobes, and next to it, the avionics master. I sure would have loved to know the avionics toggle operated differently than the strobe switch. Fortunately, I turned off the correct one.


                          • #28
                            Exactly. But that is why the electrical switches are on the left and the lighting switches are on the right. MUCH hardder to mix them up.

                            So, once started, up and running, no switches on the left are used until shutdown.


                            • #29
                              Just got back after a trans Atlantic cruise, expecting to be test flying this week, but the work is now officially over time.

                              I will go see it in Thursday. The left and center panels are cut, powder coated, and laser etched. They are working on the CB panel.

                              Interior should have been done, but the shop is still working on it, but promise to start installing next week,


                              • #30
                                Andy and I were wondering how the Mooney work was going when we were flying yesterday.

                                QM2 for the voyage?

